Monday, April 5, 2010

Gods Love Like A Childs

So my 3 year old awoke in the middle of the night last night. All parents have been through this. As you are sleeping away, you are suddenly awoken by noise that will make your heart ache...the ache of a child hurting or scared. They may be laying in bed scared to move or wondering in the darkness to your room. As you gently take them into your arms, calm their fears, and tuck them under your arm suddenly their little world gets better. They feel safe and secure. They feel like you can protect them from any monsters in the night or high fever or whatever has startled them in the dark. Most of the time, they quickly fall back asleep feeling safe and secure in the arms of someone who loves them.

As I was laying there holding Ryan, I start thinking about how similar this is to the way God takes care of us. In any of our lives, we are at some point woken up with "monsters" in our sleep or lives. We feel scared and anxious. We feel alone and not sure where to turn (in the dark). It is this very time when God gently whispers "Come to me." He wants to comfort us and hold us. He wants to wrap us in His arms and make us feel secure. If we will let Him do this, our fears will be relieved, our hope restored, and our security restored. I'm not saying that the problems immediately disappear because it is not in our time when we want something that things are done. But just like the child who is sick, the "illness" will run its course in His time but we must be comforted and secured in His arms to get to that place.

I am so glad that God wraps me in His arms when I need Him. I am glad He never gives up on me. As a mother to a child, He wraps His arms and presence around my life and provides me with peace to endure every storm. He comforts me in the night and secures me like no one else. What an awesome God we serve!

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