Monday, February 22, 2010


Wow! Alot has been going on in our lives these days. We are finally settling in to our new home in Ellisville, MS. Things are going well at the new job. I forgot how nice it was to work in an environment where everything was not stressful. Yes, it is challenging but I dont feel completely drained when I get home which is wonderful! The boys are settling in nicely. They love the hardwood floors at the new house (mainly bc they can slide across it which makes them happy). It is odd in a way being back though. You somewhat forget how many things change when you leave for 9 years. When I left here, I was a little girl in many ways. Still trying to figure me out. It has brought back some old thoughts of how much I have grown and changed over the years. You see when I left here, I was not happy with myself. I tried to be who everyone wanted me to be rather than just accepting who I was. The roads are filled with memories, some good and some not so good. But in the end they all made me who I am today. I cant say that I would change any of them because I wouldnt be me without them. But it has brought some perspective to where I have been, where I am now, and where I want to be in the future. Everyday is a new challenge. And I am ready to take on those challenges...whatever they may be.

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